Makes 6 Soufflés
• 30g unsalted butter
• 250g smoked haddock
• bay leaf
• 300ml milk
• 30g flour
• 60g grated cheddar
• 1 tsp mustard
• 4 eggs, separated
• Breadcrumbs
• Black pepper
- Preheat oven 200°C / Gas 6. Grease six Small ANTA Mugs with butter or oil and coat with breadcrumbs.
- Place the haddock skin down in an ANTA Baking Dish, cover with milk, season with pepper and add the bay leaf. Bake for about 15-20 minutes, then allow to cool completely.
- Melt butter in a pan over a medium heat. Add flour and cook for a few minutes. Gradually pour the poaching milk from the haddock keep stirring until it begins to simmer and thicken. Add the cheese, mustard and season to taste.
- Allow the cheese sauce to cool. Then beat in the egg yolks and stir in the flaked fish.
- Beat the egg whites to a soft peak, fold half into the cheese / fish mixture and then gently fold in the remaining egg white. Make sure its fully combined but be careful to keep the air in the mixture.
- Carefully fill the Small ANTA mugs. Place them in a roasting tray which is half-filled with hot water. Bake for 10 minutes until brown and risen. Serve immediately.